The Midwest Institute for Minimally Invasive Therapies, or MIMIT Health, is a multi-specialty group comprised of physicians, surgeons, and midlevel providers who offer minimally invasive, targeted treatments of vascular and non-vascular conditions. Compared to traditional surgery, our procedures offer reduced risk, reduced pain, and shorter recovery times with the help of world-class physicians.

Hailing from Bombay, India, Dr. Chopra maintains his Eastern world roots while combining his extensive Western medical experience to unify the best of both worlds. This worldview can be seen in his philosophy for patient care — one that treats patients’ mind, body, and spirit, not simply their medical conditions. We believe that this philosophy puts the "care" back in healthcare, which is vital to MIMIT Health’s mission.

Dr. Chopra became one of the youngest heads of an interventional radiology department in the U.S. Eager to share his 30+ years of interventional radiology and endovascular experience, he placed great emphasis on training and introduced a wide range of education and research programs. Today, Dr. Chopra speaks all over the world about the importance of treating the person, not simply the disease.
Dr. Chopra is a phenomenal physician and healer. In an era of assembly-line medicine, he pushes the proverbial “stop” button and takes the time to befriend his patients. He makes sure patients understand their medical care and the rationale for his treatment plan. More than that though, Dr. Chopra does not simply treat one problem at one office visit. He creates a spiritual connection with his patients that engenders continual trust. He treats the body and the psyche. He is the very definition of physician as caregiver and confidant.
— Michael V.