Founded in 2003, the Midwest Institute for Minimally Invasive Therapies, or MIMIT Health, is a world-class interventional radiology and endovascular therapy practice. Our industry-leading providers, doctors, physicians, and surgeons are committed to our patients, going above and beyond to improve their mind, body, and spirit. Along with our procedures, we focus on education, nutrition, exercise, and wellness solutions to give them the best chance to live their best life. We call this enlightened health care.

As an interventional radiology and endovascular therapy practice, MIMIT Health specializes in minimally invasive treatments.
What do we treat?
uterine fibroids
peripheral artery disease (PAD)
abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA)
dialysis access management
varicose veins
benign prostatic hyperplasia
vertebral compression fractures